TabularModelElementsGroup Group

The TabularModelElementsGroup group contains a group of elements that have been added to many of the OLAP major object types, for the case of the tabular model. 

 <xs:group name="TabularModelElementsGroup">
     <xs:element name="Ordinal" type="xs:int"/>
     <xs:element name="ObjectVersion" type="xs:int"/>
     <xs:element name="PersistLocation" type="xs:int"/>
     <xs:element name="System" type="xs:boolean"/>
     <xs:element name="DataFileList" type="xs:string"/>

Ordinal: The position of this object within the collection of objects of this type.

ObjectVersion: The version number that will appear within the file name. For example, if the value is "10" for a dimension object, the file name will end in "10.dim.xml".

PersistLocation: The version number that will appear within the folder name. For example, if the value is "10" for a database object, the folder name will end in "10.db".

System: A Boolean value that MUST be set to false.

DataFileList: A semicolon-separated list of all the data files materialized for this object.