
The definition of the EditContentSource element is as follows:

 <s:element name="EditContentSource">
       <s:element name="versionIn" type="s:int"/>
       <s:element name="id" type="s:int"/>
       <s:element name="name" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/>
       <s:element name="metadata" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/>
       <s:element name="hostDepth" type="s:int"/>
       <s:element name="enumerationDepth" type="s:int"/>
       <s:element name="followDirectories" type="s:boolean"/>
       <s:element name="wssCrawlStyle" type="s:int"/>
       <s:element name="throttleStart" type="s:int"/>
       <s:element name="throttleDuration" type="s:int"/>
       <s:element name="startAddresses" type="tns:ArrayOfString" minOccurs="0"/>
       <s:element name="fullCrawlTrigger" type="s:base64Binary" minOccurs="0"/>
       <s:element name="incCrawlTrigger" type="s:base64Binary" minOccurs="0"/>

versionIn: The configuration version of the crawler application. This element MUST contain a value greater than or equal to zero.

id: The content source identifier. The identifier MUST be greater than 0.

name: The content source name. This element MUST be present. Length of the content source name MUST be greater than 0 characters, and less than or equal to 255 characters. The specified name MUST be unique among the content source names existing in the portal content project.

metadata: Arbitrary metadata associated by the protocol client with the content source.. If present, the length MUST be less than 1024 characters. The value of this property is ignored by the protocol server, but can be interpreted by the protocol client to associate arbitrary metadata with the content source collection.

hostDepth: The number of host hops allowed when crawling this content source. The value MUST be greater than or equal to 0. For unlimited host hops the number MUST be 2147483647.

enumerationDepth: The maximum number of page hops allowed when crawling this content source. The number MUST be greater than or equal to 0.  For unlimited page hops the number MUST be 2147483647.

followDirectories: Determines how URLs are discovered during the crawl. If true, URLs are discovered through directory links; otherwise, URLs are discovered through links.

wssCrawlStyle: The scope of the start addresses. This property only applies to start addresses with URLs pointing to sites.

MUST be one of the following values:




All parts of Web applications are crawled.


Only the specific sites pointed to by the start addresses are crawled – the crawl does not enumerate all sites within the Web application.

throttleStart: The protocol server updates the throttleStart property of the content source, but does not interpret its value. SHOULD be set to 0.

throttleDuration: The protocol server updates the throttleDuration property of the content source, but does not interpret its value. SHOULD be set to 0.

startAddresses: An array of zero or more start addresses. This element MUST be present. Each element of the startAddresses array element MUST contain a single URL or UNC path that corresponds to a start address.

fullCrawlTrigger: A trigger as defined in [MS-TSCH], section Triggers for scheduling full crawls. If this element is present, the content of the element MUST be a Base64 encoded trigger structure. If this element is not present, the protocol server SHOULD NOT define a schedule for the full crawl.

incCrawlTrigger: A Trigger as defined in [MS-TSCH], section Triggers for scheduling incremental crawls. If this element is present, the content of the element MUST be Base64 encoded trigger structure. If this element is not present, the protocol server SHOULD NOT define a schedule for the incremental crawl.