4.2 Add Records

This example adds two records, with identifiers -3.4889057889391039E-005 and -8.8460027594901169E+045, to the repository using a single Add Records message. Each record has two client defined fields, "TestString" and "TestI4". The values of the fields are "String 1", and 1 for the first record, and "String 2" and 2 for the second.

 <urn:groove.net:Cmd CMD="1" DBName="TestDatabase1" EngineURL="ToolContainer/yrp57967myg94/RDBManager" PurNot="" TableDefID="-1">
     <urn:groove.net:Record3 RecDefID="2885262406" TestString="String 1" TestI4="1" _RecordID="-3.4889057889391039E-005"/>
     <urn:groove.net:Record3 RecDefID="2885262406" TestString="String 2" TestI4="2" _RecordID="-8.8460027594901169E+045"/>