3.1 Client Error Reporting Protocol

This protocol allows the SIP server to report errors or troubleshooting information and allows SIP protocol clients to report errors to the SIP server.

The SIP server SHOULD include the ms-diagnostics header (section in SIP responses to indicate the errors encountered while fulfilling the SIP protocol client request or to convey additional troubleshooting information. It MAY include the ms-diagnostics header in CANCEL and BYE requests<5> to indicate the errors encountered while fulfilling the SIP protocol client request or to convey additional troubleshooting information.

The SIP server can send progress responses while processing a request. A progress response SHOULD include a diagnostics header with diagnostic data explaining progress details.

The SIP protocol client can hold progress responses until it receives a 200 OK from the SIP server for the request. If the original request fails, the SIP protocol client can report this error to the SIP server.