2.2.90 TextRunData

Target namespace: http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/onenote/2009/internal/specific

Referenced by: jcidRichTextOENode

The TextRunData structure specifies an array of property sets (section 2.1.13), where each element in the array modifies the corresponding text run in a paragraph.

Text runs are specified by a TextRunIndex structure (section 2.2.76). If this property is not set, there are no property sets that modify any text runs. Otherwise, the number of elements in the ArrayOfPropertyValues element MUST be equal to the number of text runs. By default, there are no property sets that modify any text runs.

Child Elements:

ArrayOfPropertyValues: A prtArrayOfPropertyValues structure, as specified in [MS-ONESTORE] section 2.6.9. Each element in the array is a property set that specifies the data for the text runs in the paragraph. Each property set SHOULD<11> be empty, and the properties within the set SHOULD be ignored. If a non-empty property set is encountered, the property set MUST be persisted with the text run.