Response Status Code and Reason Phrase

The HTTP Encapsulation of SSTP does not use all HTTP response codes defined by the HTTP 1.0 Protocol and HTTP 1.1 Protocol. The server MUST always send the Response status codes and the reason phrases from the ones listed in this section.

If a client receives a status code and reason phrase not specified in the following list, it SHOULD be interpreted as a failure status code.

Response-Status-Code-And-Reason-Phrase = Response-Status-Code SP Reason-Phrase   

Response-Status-Code = 3DIGIT

Reason-Phrase = *<TEXT, excluding CR, LF>

The following is the list of the Response-Code-And-Reason-Phrase defined by the HTTP Encapsulation of SSTP Protocol:

 Response-Status-Code-And-Reason-Phrase = 
     "200 OK"
     / "302 Moved Temporarily"
     / "304 Not Modified"
     / "400 Bad Request"
     / "401 Unauthorized"
     / "403 Not Valid"
     / "404 Not Found"
     / "407 ProxyAuthentication Required"
     / "408 Request Time-out"
     / "500 Internal Server Error"
     / "501 Not Implemented"
     / "505 HTTP Version Not Supported")