2.2.2 RgOutlineIndentDistance

Target namespace: http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/onenote/2009/internal/specific

Referenced by: jcidTableCellNode, jcidOutlineNode

The RgOutlineIndentDistance structure specifies the indentation of outline elements (section This value MUST be set.

Child Elements:

count: An unsigned 8-bit integer that specifies the count of items in the rgIndents element.

unused: An unsigned 24-bit integer that is undefined and MUST be ignored.

rgIndents: An array of floating-point numbers that specifies the indentation distance, in half-inch increments, of each outline level in the outline. The first value specifies the indentation of outline elements at the first outline level, the second value specifies the indentation of outline elements at the second outline level, and so forth. This array MUST NOT contain more than 255 elements.