2.2.3 Responses

A response that is not a 400 SIP response MUST use the response root element. The response root element and all its child elements MUST belong to the namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:cccp" unless specified as belonging to an extension namespace. All attributes MUST belong to no namespace unless specified as belonging to the extension namespace. Elements and attributes belonging to an extension namespace MUST belong to the namespace "http://schemas.microsoft.com/rtc/2005/08/confinfoextensions", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/rtc/2008/12/confinfoextensions", or "http://schemas.microsoft.com/rtc/2005/08/cccpextensions".

The response element MUST contain the following attributes:

  • requestId: MUST be set to the value obtained from the requestId attribute of the corresponding request.

  • from: Specifies the source of the response and MUST be set to the value obtained from the to attribute of the corresponding request.

  • to: Specifies the target of the response and MUST be set to the value obtained from the from attribute of the corresponding request.

  • code: Indicates whether the corresponding request succeeded or failed and MUST be the string value "success" or "failure".

The response element can contain the following attribute:

  • C3PVersion: MUST be set to "1".

The response element MUST contain exactly one child element. The child element identifies the type of response. The different types of responses are subsequently defined.