4.3.1 Request

 <s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
     <RequestVersion Version="2" MinorVersion="0" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/soap/"/>
     <RequestCollection CorrelationId="{E07FCF1D-AD34-403F-9F77-D31B8225C8C5}" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/soap/">
       <Request Url="http://Example/Shared%20Documents/test2.xlsx" RequestToken="1">
         <SubRequest Type="ExclusiveLock" SubRequestToken="1">
           <SubRequestData ExclusiveLockRequestType="GetLock" ExclusiveLockID="{9BCE3023-0F1F-496B-A561-610144B54040}" Timeout="3600"/>
         <SubRequest Type="Cell" SubRequestToken="2" DependsOn="1" DependencyType="OnExecute">
           <SubRequestData GetFileProps="true" BinaryDataSize="88">DAALAJzPKfM5lAabBgIAAO4CAACqAiAAfrgx50XdqkSrgAx1+9FTDnoCCAD0J0UfdwEWAgYAAwUAigICAADaAgYAAwAAygIIAAgAgAOEAEELAawCAFUDAQ==</SubRequestData>

The protocol client sends two SubRequest elements as part of the Request element in the cell storage service request message for opening the file contents.

The first SubRequest element is an exclusive lock subrequest of type "Get lock" that requests an exclusive lock on the file. The ExclusiveLockID attribute in the SubRequestData element specifies a unique identifier for the exclusive lock on the file. Details about the ExclusiveLockID attribute are specified in section Details about the exclusive lock subrequest of type "Get lock" are specified in section

The second SubRequest element is a cell subrequest that requests the download of file contents or file metadata contents and file properties. Details about the cell subrequest are specified in section