4.4.2 Response

 <s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
     <ResponseVersion Version="2" MinorVersion="0" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/soap/"/>
     <ResponseCollection WebUrl="http://Example" WebUrlIsEncoded="false" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/soap/">
       <Response Url="http://Example/Shared%20Documents/test2.xlsx" UrlIsEncoded="true" RequestToken="1" HealthScore="0">
         <SubResponse SubRequestToken="1" ErrorCode="FileAlreadyLockedOnServer" ErrorMessage="EXAMPLE\jdarcy" HResult="2147500037">
         <SubResponse SubRequestToken="2" ErrorCode="Success" HResult="0">
           <SubResponseData Etag="&quot;{901072DF-38C4-4211-BA16-0A882E036AB1},2&quot;" CoalesceHResult="0" ContainsHotboxData="False" CreateTime="129092732530000000" LastModifiedTime="129092735310000000" ModifiedBy="Jayne Darcy">DAALAJ3PKfM5lAabFgMCAACsAgAMVgxpc1eRqqWLTIo5oB7fKT/AgPs2nIa+j3dFjynav98WLV0BAAAAAAAAAAMFVQ4CBgADBQD6AiQADGlzV5GqpYtMijmgHt8pP8AAhAAmAiAA9jV6MmEHFESWhlHpAGZ6TaQAeCRE9cajs80XRqqoaP6dVEapAK94JLsKOVxMMui5qqho/p1URqkAuVETASYCIAATHwkQgsj7QJiGZTP5NMIdbAFwLQz5C0E3b9GZRKbDJyMu3KcRCTMAAAC1EwEmAiAADul2OjKADE253fPGUClDPkwBICYMRPXGo7PNF0aqqGj+nVRGqa8ApRMBQQcBiwE=</SubResponseData>

The first SubResponse element in this example is the response from the protocol server to the exclusive lock subrequest of type "Get lock". The ErrorCode attribute of "FileAlreadyLockedOnServer", defined in section, indicates that there is an existing exclusive lock on the targeted file or an existing schema lock on the targeted file but with a schema lock identifier different from the one provided in the client request. The ErrorMessage attribute of "EXAMPLE\jdarcy" specifies the identity of the user who is currently holding the lock on the file. The HResult attribute set to 2,147,500,037 specifies an error code specific to the exclusive lock subrequest that failed and gives more hints about the cause of the failure. Details about the ErrorMessage attribute and HResult attribute are specified in section

Although the first subrequest failed, the second subrequest is executed by the server because the DependencyType attribute in the second subrequest is set to "OnExecute". The second SubResponse element is the response from the protocol server for the cell subrequest. The ErrorCode of "Success" indicates that the cell subrequest for the downloading of file contents and file properties was successfully processed. In this example, because the exclusive lock subrequest of type "Get lock" failed but the cell subrequest for download succeeded, the protocol client is allowed to open the file contents in read-only mode. The protocol client will not be allowed to make edits on the file.