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CustomFieldDefinition Constructor (UInt32, Type)

Initializes a new instance of the CustomFieldDefinition class that contains a field ID and a field type.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Synchronization.SimpleProviders
Assembly:  Microsoft.Synchronization.SimpleProviders (in Microsoft.Synchronization.SimpleProviders.dll)


Public Sub New ( _
    fieldId As UInteger, _
    fieldType As Type _
Dim fieldId As UInteger
Dim fieldType As Type

Dim instance As New CustomFieldDefinition(fieldId, _
public CustomFieldDefinition(
    uint fieldId,
    Type fieldType
    unsigned int fieldId, 
    Type^ fieldType
new : 
        fieldId:uint32 * 
        fieldType:Type -> CustomFieldDefinition
public function CustomFieldDefinition(
    fieldId : uint, 
    fieldType : Type



Exception Condition

fieldType was set to either byte[] or string, which is only supported by the three-parameter constructor.


The following code examples provide input for the ItemMetadataSchema object. The constants in the sample code define an integer value for each column in the item store. These values are used when creating the custom field definitions and identity rules for the ItemMetadataSchema object. To view this code in the context of a complete application, see the "Sync101 using Simple Sync Provider" application that is available in the Sync Framework SDK and from Code Gallery.

public const uint CUSTOM_FIELD_ID = 1;
public const uint CUSTOM_FIELD_TIMESTAMP = 2;
public override ItemMetadataSchema MetadataSchema
        CustomFieldDefinition[] customFields = new CustomFieldDefinition[2];
        customFields[0] = new CustomFieldDefinition(CUSTOM_FIELD_ID, typeof(ulong));
        customFields[1] = new CustomFieldDefinition(CUSTOM_FIELD_TIMESTAMP, typeof(ulong));

        IdentityRule[] identityRule = new IdentityRule[1];
        identityRule[0] = new IdentityRule(new uint[] { CUSTOM_FIELD_ID });

        return new ItemMetadataSchema(customFields, identityRule);
Public Const CUSTOM_FIELD_ID As UInteger = 1
Public Const CUSTOM_FIELD_TIMESTAMP As UInteger = 2
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property MetadataSchema() As ItemMetadataSchema
        Dim customFields As CustomFieldDefinition() = New CustomFieldDefinition(1) {}
        customFields(0) = New CustomFieldDefinition(CUSTOM_FIELD_ID, GetType(ULong))
        customFields(1) = New CustomFieldDefinition(CUSTOM_FIELD_TIMESTAMP, GetType(ULong))

        Dim identityRule As IdentityRule() = New IdentityRule(0) {}
        identityRule(0) = New IdentityRule(New UInteger() {CUSTOM_FIELD_ID})

        Return New ItemMetadataSchema(customFields, identityRule)
    End Get
End Property

See Also


CustomFieldDefinition Class

CustomFieldDefinition Overload

Microsoft.Synchronization.SimpleProviders Namespace