2.2.28 jcidTableCellNode

Target namespace: http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/onenote/2009/internal/specific

Referenced by: ElementChildNodesOfTableRow

The jcidTableCellNode structure specifies the properties of a table cell. The value of the JCID element, as specified in [MS-ONESTORE], for this property set is "0x00060024".

Child Elements:

LastModifiedTime: A LastModifiedTime element (section 2.3.67) that specifies when the table cell was last changed.

ElementChildNodes: An ElementChildNodesOfTableCell element (section 2.2.55) that specifies the child nodes of the table cell.

EnforceOutlineStructure: An EnforceOutlineStructure element (section 2.3.38) that specifies indentation restrictions on outline elements (section in the table cell. This value MUST be true.

OutlineElementChildLevel: An OutlineElementChildLevel element (section 2.3.8) that specifies the indentation level of all child nodes, relative to the table cell. This value MUST be "0x01".

LayoutMaxWidth: A LayoutMaxWidthInOutline element (section 2.3.22) that specifies the maximum width of the table cell.

RgOutlineIndentDistance: A RgOutlineIndentDistance element (section 2.2.2) that specifies the indentation size for each outline (section indent level in the table cell.

BodyTextAlignment: A BodyTextAlignment element (section 2.3.17) that specifies alignment for body text in the table cell.

IsReadOnly: An IsReadOnly element (section 2.3.48) that specifies whether the table cell is read-only. 

IsConflictObjectForRender: An IsConflictObjectForRender element (section 2.3.70) that specifies whether the table cell is displayed as a conflict object (section 2.1.1).

IsConflictObjectForSelection: An IsConflictObjectForSelection element (section 2.3.72) that specifies whether the table cell is a conflict object (section 2.1.1) that can be selected.