1.3.1 Organization of This Document

Section 2 of this documentation is organized by application.

Section 2.1 covers the structures in the macro-enabled WordprocessingML file format that are either not present in or modified from the structures in the non-macro-enabled WordprocessingML file format described in [ECMA-376].

Section 2.2 covers the structures in the macro-enabled SpreadsheetML file format that are either not present in or modified from the structures in the non-macro-enabled SpreadsheetML file format described in [ECMA-376].

Section 2.3 covers the structures in the macro-enabled PresentationML file format that are either not present in or modified from the structures in the non-macro-enabled PresentationML file format described in [ECMA-376].

Within sections 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3, subsection 1 specifies the parts within the package of a macro-enabled file that are either not present in or modified from a non-macro-enabled file described in [ECMA-376]. Sections 2, 3, 4, and 5 described the details of the structures that are either not present in or are modified from the structures in the non-macro-enabled file formats specified by [ECMA-376]. Section 2 describes global elements, section 3 describes global attributes, section 4 describes complex types, and section 5 describes simple types.

Section 3 provides specific examples intended to illustrate the structures specified in section 2.

Section 4 discusses security issues relating to the structures specified by this document.

Section 5 is a list of version-specific behaviors. It is not intended to be read alone, but rather to be understood in the context of specifications in section 2. Specifications in section 2 provide links to the relevant items in section 5.