2.5.6 Add Contacts

This use case describes how a user searches for users, as described in section 2.5.5, and adds users from a list of search results to a contact list in the protocol client. The actor is a user.

The following diagram illustrates this process.

Process for adding users to a contact list

Figure 15: Process for adding users to a contact list


The user can add users to a contact list by using the protocol client.


  1. In the protocol client UI, the user selects the option to add contacts to the contact list.

  2. The protocol client displays the add contacts UI and then waits for user input.

  3. The user searches for contacts, as described in section 2.5.5.

  4. The protocol client displays the search results to the user, as described in section 2.5.5.

  5. The user selects users from the search results and adds them to the contact list.

  6. The user closes the UI for adding contacts.

Alternative scenarios

The user can cancel the request to add contacts before submitting it.


  • Search errors – The protocol client notifies the user of the error.

  • Client errors – The protocol client closes the UI for adding contacts and notifies the user of the error.


  • Users are added to the contact list in the protocol client.

  • The contact list is not changed because an error occurred or no users are found.