
The following controls MAY contain the action attribute in their respective XSLT representations:

All other controls MUST NOT contain this attribute in their XSLT representations.

For button controls, the value of the action attribute MUST be one of the following:

  • delete: This action is associated with a client-only feature and MUST NOT be present.

  • new: Creates a new record associated with an ADO (section 2.2.38) data connection. This action MUST be set only if the main data connection is an ADO (section 2.2.38) data connection (1).

  • query: Calls the query of the main data source’s data connection. This value MUST be used only within forms in which the main data source is a data connection.

  • refresh: Calls the query of the secondary data connection specified by the auxDom attribute on the same control. This action MUST be set only if the form has at least one secondary data connection that can query.

  • submit: Calls the action to submit the form.

  • updateForm: Calls a postback to the form server to update the form.

For repeating section and repeating table controls, the value of this attribute MUST be "xCollection::insert". This value inserts the XML editing component associated with the repeating section and repeating table controls.

The following W3C XML Schema ([XMLSCHEMA1] section 2.1) fragment specifies the contents of this element.

 <xsd:element name="action" type="xsd:string"/>