Data Model for meetingPolicy provisionGroup

 provisionGroup (name=’meetingPolicy’)
      |-- instance
      |   |- property
      |   |    |- name 

The following XSD schema fragment defines the requirements a meetingPolicy provisionGroup element XML document MUST conform to.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:tns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2006/09/sip/provisiongrouplist-notification" targetNamespace="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2006/09/sip/provisiongrouplist-notification" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
   <xs:element name="provisionGroup" type="tns:provisionGroupType" />
   <xs:complexType name="provisionGroupType">
     <xs:all minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
       <xs:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="instance" type="tns:instanceType" />
     <xs:attribute fixed="meetingPolicy" name="name" use="required" />
   <xs:complexType name="instanceType">
       <xs:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="property" type="tns:propertyType" />
   <xs:complexType name="propertyType">
       <xs:extension base="xs:string" >
         <xs:attribute name="name" use="required" />

instance: A single instance is specified within the meetingPolicy provisionGroup, listing a set of properties applicable for the user requesting the configuration.

Property: A single policy setting. The name attribute specifies the property name. Values are Boolean, unless otherwise specified.

AllowIPAudio: Specifies whether IP Audio functionality is enabled on the client. For example:

 <property name="AllowIPAudio">true</property>

AllowIPVideo: Specifies whether IP Video functionality is enabled on the client. For example:

 <property name="AllowIPVideo">true</property>

EnableDataCollaboration: Specifies whether Data Collaboration functionality is enabled on the client. For example:

 <property name=" EnableDataCollaboration "> true </property>

Name:<78> Optional, ignored.

ColorDepth:<79> Optional, ignored.

AllowACP:<80> Optional, ignored.

RetainPPTForExternalMeeting:<81> Retain PowerPoint slides for external meeting.

MeetingSize:<82> Maximum number of attendees allowed in meetings.

AllowAppSharingForExternalMeeting:<83> Allow application sharing in external meetings.

AllowPresenterToRecord:<84> Allow meeting presenter to record meeting.

EnableAppDesktopSharing:<85> Specifies whether the client is allowed to share the desktop. For example:

 <property name=" EnableAppDesktopSharing">  true </property>

EnablePSTNConferencing:<86> Enable conferencing audio call over a public switched telephone network (PSTN) network.

TrustedConferencingPinRequired:<87> Require that trusted conferencing PIN be specified to join the conference.

AllowAnnotations: Boolean value that allows participants to make annotations on top of PowerPoint content, as well as all whiteboarding content.

AllowAnonymousParticipants: Boolean value that allows anonymous participants to join the meeting.

AllowExternalUserControl: Boolean value that allows anonymous and federated users to control an application sharing session.

AllowExternalUserRecording: Boolean value that allows external users to record meetings organized by this user. It works if AllowRecording is "true".

AllowExternalUsersToSaveContent: Boolean value that allows anonymous and federated users to save content shared in a data sharing session.

AllowFileTransfer: Boolean value that allows multi-party file transfer in a meeting.

AllowParticipantControl: Boolean value that allows or prevents the user from sharing control with anyone when they are screen sharing. This applies regardless of who started/organized the conference.

AllowRecording: Boolean value that allows recording on meetings organized by this user. If "true", the AllowExternalUserRecording policy applies to external users.

EnableP2PFileTransfer: Enable P2P file transfer between two users during a meeting.

MaxConferenceVideoResolution: Set the maximum resolution for video conferencing. Allowed values are "CIF" or "VGA".

AllowedAppDesktopSharingLevel: Enables application and desktop sharing during web conferencing for users having this policy.

AllowUserToScheduleMeetingsWithAppSharing: Enables users to schedule meetings with Application sharing. Allowed values are "None", "SingleApplication", or "Desktop".

AppSharingBitRate: Set the bit rate for Application sharing.

AudioBitRate: Set the bit rate for Audio.

FileTransferBitRate: Set the bit rate for File Transfer.

RequirePasscode:<88> Controls whether a pass code is required to join dial-in conferences.

VideoBitRate:<89> Set the bit rate for Video.

AllowPolls:<90> Enables the polling feature within a meeting. The value MUST be "true" or "false".

EnableP2PRecording:<91> Enables recording of P2P conversations. The value MUST be "true" or "false".

EnableP2PVideo:<92> Enables P2P video conversations. The value MUST be "true" or "false". For a detailed example, see section 4.2.2.

EnableMultiViewJoin:<93> Enables multiple video channels in conferencing. The value MUST be "true" or "false". For a detailed example, see section 4.2.2.

TotalReceiveVideoBitRate:<94> Sets the total video bit rate to be used for conferencing video. For a detailed example, see section 4.2.2.

DisablePowerPointAnnotations:<95> Specifies whether the user has turned off PowerPoint annotations.

AllowSharedNotes:<96> Enables users to take shared notes during a meeting. The value MUST be "true" or "false". For a detailed example, see section 4.2.2.

AllowQna:<97> Enables the Question and Answer feature within a meeting. The value MUST be "true" or "false". This setting applies to the user who organizes the conference: if set to "false", no conference created by a user affected by this policy will allow the use of the Questions and Answers Manager. However, that user can make use of the Questions and Answers Manager in other conferences where polls are allowed. The default value is"true".

AllowOfficeContent:<98> Enables the Office content (such as slide presentations) sharing feature within a meeting. The value MUST be "true" or "false". When set to "false", prevents users from using Office content in their conferences.

EnableOnlineMeetingPromptForLyncResources: <99> Enables online meeting prompting: if set to "true", users will be prompted any time they schedule a meeting that includes invitees (such as a meeting room) that would benefit from having the meeting held online. The default value is "false".