IVssCreateExpressWriterMetadata::AddComponent method (vswriter.h)

Adds a file group to an express writer's set of components to be backed up.


HRESULT AddComponent(
  [in] LPCWSTR            wszLogicalPath,
  [in] LPCWSTR            wszComponentName,
  [in] LPCWSTR            wszCaption,
  [in] const BYTE         *pbIcon,
  [in] UINT               cbIcon,
  [in] bool               bRestoreMetadata,
  [in] bool               bNotifyOnBackupComplete,
  [in] bool               bSelectable,
  [in] bool               bSelectableForRestore,
  [in] DWORD              dwComponentFlags


[in] ct

A VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE enumeration value that specifies the type of the component. Only VSS_CT_FILEGROUP is supported for this parameter.

[in] wszLogicalPath

A pointer to a null-terminated wide character string containing the logical path of the database or file group. For more information, see Logical Pathing of Components.

This parameter is optional and can be NULL.

[in] wszComponentName

A pointer to a null-terminated wide character string containing the name of the component. This string is not localized.

This parameter is required and cannot be NULL. The string cannot contain backslashes.

[in] wszCaption

A pointer to a null-terminated wide character string containing a description (also called a "friendly name") for the component. This string might be localized, and therefore requesters must assume that it is localized.

This parameter is optional and can be NULL. The string can contain backslashes.

[in] pbIcon

A pointer to a bitmap of the icon representing the database, to be displayed in a user interface. The size, in bytes, of the buffer is specified by the cbIcon parameter.

This parameter is optional and can be NULL.

[in] cbIcon

The size, in bytes, of the buffer. If the pbIcon parameter is NULL, cbIcon must be zero.

[in] bRestoreMetadata

This parameter is reserved for future use and should always be set to false.

[in] bNotifyOnBackupComplete

This parameter is reserved for future use and should always be set to false.

[in] bSelectable

A Boolean value that indicates whether the component can be optionally backed up (which means it can be excluded from the backup) or is always backed up when any of the writer's components is backed up. This parameter should be set to
true if the component can be selectively backed up, or false if the component is backed up when any of the components is backed up.

[in] bSelectableForRestore

A Boolean value that determines whether a component can be individually restored when it has not been explicitly included in the backup document. If the component was explicitly added to the backup document, it can always be individually selected for restore; in this case, this flag has no meaning.

When this parameter is true, the component can be restored by itself; when false, the component can be restored only if the entire component set is being restored. (For more information, see VSS_COMPONENTINFO and Working with Selectability and Logical Paths.)

The default value for this parameter is false.

[in] dwComponentFlags

A bitmask of VSS_COMPONENT_FLAGS enumeration values indicating the features that this component supports. This bitmask cannot include VSS_CF_APP_ROLLBACK_RECOVERY or VSS_CF_BACKUP_RECOVERY.

The default value for this parameter is zero.

Return value

The following are the valid return codes for this method.

Value Meaning
The operation was successful.
One of the parameter values is not valid.
The caller is out of memory or other system resources.
The XML document is not valid. Check the event log for details. For more information, see Event and Error Handling Under VSS.
The object is a duplicate. A component with the same logical path and component name already exists.
Unexpected error. The error code is logged in the error log file. For more information, see Event and Error Handling Under VSS.

Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP:  This value is not supported until Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7. E_UNEXPECTED is used instead.


This method can be called multiple times to add several components to an express writer's metadata.

The combination of logical path and name for each component of a specified instance of a specified class of writer must be unique. Attempting to call AddComponent twice with the same values of wszLogicalPath and wszComponentName results in a VSS_E_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS error.

AddComponent can be used to add subcomponents—components in which all member files are backed up as a group but which contain files that can be restored individually. For more information, see Working with Selectability for Restore and Subcomponents.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 7 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header vswriter.h (include Vss.h, VsWriter.h)
Library VssApi.lib

See also
