Data Driven Adapters

DDAs are the application access components in HAT. They contain all functionality to interact with a specific application type. In the shipped DDAs all information of how to access UI elements is provided to the DDA via bindings. Bindings are XML data that is provided to the DDA during the instantiation.

There are three DDAs shipped with CCF:

  • WinDDA: using MSAA and Win32 function to access Win32 application and applications that support MSAA. For more information, see WinDDA.
  • WebDDA: using the Document Object Model (DOM). For more information, see WebDDA.
  • JavaDDA: using Java Active Accessibility. For more information, see JavaDDA.

These DDAs can be extended to meet specific needs of an application. HAT also allows creating new DDAs to support new application types or to access the application types listed above through different technologies. The following sections will explain the DDS shipped with CCF 2009 SP1 in detail.