Search Error Messages

The following table shows error messages returned by the SharePoint Portal Server Search engine in response to SQL queries. The search engine replaces items in angle brackets and italics with information on the specific problem.

Error message
Parser Error - The SQL syntax was not understood.
Incorrect Syntax near <query token>. SQLSTATE=42000
Incorrect syntax near <query token>. Expected <expected token>. SQLSTATE=42000.
Multiple statement commands are not supported. SQLSTATE=42000.
ORDER BY ordinal <ordinal number> must be between 1 and <ordinal number>. SQLSTATE=42000
View <view name> has not been defined. SQLSTATE=42000
Column <column name> has not been defined. SQLSTATE=42000
Out of memory
SELECT * only allowed on views
<content search condition> OR NOT <content boolean term> not allowed - The NOT logical operator is only allowed after an AND operator.
Cannot convert <data type 1> to type <data type 2>
<value> is out of range for type <data type>
Unsigned integer expected <unexpected signed integer>
Specification of <relative interval> must be negative.
<column name> is not a column in the view definition of <view name>
Property name cannot be set because it is already being used in a VIEW. SQLSTATE=42000.
View already exists and cannot be redefined. SQLSTATE=42000
Invalid catalog name. SQLSTATE=42000.

FROM Clause

Full-Text Predicates

General Query Language Information

Non-Full-Text predicates


RANK BY Clause

SELECT Statement

Subscription Query Language