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GetVar Element

The GetVar element returns a variable in the context of rendering the page. Variables can either be set locally to the current level of XML, or they can be set globally to the page.

  AutoHyperlink = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  AutoNewLine = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  Default = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  HTMLEncode = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  Name = "Text"
  NoURLEncode = "TRUE" | "FALSE"
  StripWS = "TRUE" | "FALSE">


Name Description
AutoHyperlink Optional Boolean. TRUE if <A> tags are added to text if it looks like a hyperlink.
AutoNewLine Optional Boolean. TRUE if <BR> tags are inserted into the text stream and multiple spaces are replaced with non-breaking spaces (&nbsp;).
Default Optional Text. Renders the text assigned to this attribute if the value returned by Select is an empty string.
HTMLEncode Optional Boolean. Converts embedded characters so that they are displayed as text in the browser. In other words, characters that could be confused with HTML tags are converted to entities.
Name Required Text. The name of the variable.
NoURLEncode Optional Boolean. FALSE if special characters, such as spaces, are converted to quoted Unicode format (e.g. %u0020).
StripWS Optional Boolean. TRUE if white space is removed from the beginning and end of the value returned by the Column element.
Parent Elements
Case, Default, Expr, Expr1, Expr2, Limit, ListFormButtons, ListFormOpening, PagedRowset, ScriptQuote, SetList, SetVar, Toolbar, ViewBody, XML


This element is often used within an Expr element in a Switch or IfEqual element.

If Scope="Request" is specified in the SetVar element, a variable assignment will take effect anywhere in the current page. Otherwise, the assignment only affects children of the SetVar element.


In the following example,

  <SetVar Name="MyVariable">GlobalBar</SetVar>
    <SetVar Name="MyVariable">LocalBar</SetVar>
    <GetVar Name="MyVariable"/>
  <GetVar Name="MyVariable"/>

the first GetVar would return LocalBar, while the second one would return GlobalBar, because the SetVar for LocalBar only applies to children of the "Sample" element; after </Sample>, LocalBar goes out of scope.

See Also


Universal Attributes for Page Rendering Elements