CanHaveChildren Property

The CanHaveChildren property contains the flag that indicates whether this KnowledgeContentClass object can be extended.

Property CanHaveChildren As Boolean[C++]
HRESULT get_CanHaveChildren(VARIANT_BOOL*pCanHaveChildren);
HRESULT put_CanHaveChildren(VARIANT_BOOLvarCanHaveChildren);

[Visual Basic]



Return Values

This property returns a Boolean that contains the flag that indicates whether this object can have children objects. The default value of VARIANT_TRUE indicates that other content classes can have the URI of this content class in their Extends property, thereby adding the properties of this content class to their FullPropertyList property.

Error Values

If an error is raised, Err.Number is set to one of the values documented on the Error MessagesError Messages page.



Get method:

  • pCanHaveChildren
    [out, retval] Pointer to a VARIANT_BOOL that contains the flag that indicates whether this object can have children objects. The default value of VARIANT_TRUE indicates that other content classes can have the URI of this content class in their Extends property, thereby adding the properties of this content class to their FullPropertyList property.

Put method:

  • varCanHaveChildren
    [in] VARIANT_BOOL that contains the flag that indicates whether this object can have children objects. The default value is VARIANT_TRUE.
Return Values

For a list of error messages returned by SharePoint Portal Server, see Error Messages.

Limited Inheritance