GetCurrentProcessorNumberEx function (processthreadsapi.h)

Retrieves the processor group and number of the logical processor in which the calling thread is running.


void GetCurrentProcessorNumberEx(
  [out] PPROCESSOR_NUMBER ProcNumber


[out] ProcNumber

A pointer to a PROCESSOR_NUMBER structure that receives the processor group to which the logical processor is assigned and the number of the logical processor within its group.

Return value



To compile an application that uses this function, set _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0601. For more information, see Using the Windows Headers.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 7 [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2 [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Target Platform Windows
Header processthreadsapi.h (include Windows.h)
Library Kernel32.lib
DLL Kernel32.dll