Viewer.MarkupOverlaysVisible Property

Visio Viewer

Gets or sets whether markup overlays are visible in the current document open in the Microsoft Office Visio 2007 Viewer. Read/write.

Version Information
 Version Added:  Visio 2007



expression   An expression that returns a Viewer object.

Return Value


A markup overlay is a layer that shows all the shapes, ink shapes, and comments added to a drawing by a particular reviewer. The MarkupOverlaysVisible property setting corresponds to the status of the Show markup overlays box on the Markup Settings tab of the Properties and Settings dialog box in the Viewer user interface. If markup overlays exist in the drawing, the default is for them to be visible (True).


The following code shows how to turn off visiblity of markup overlays in the Viewer.

Visual Basic for Applications
  vsoViewer.MarkupOverlaysVisble = False