
Identifies the UI_PKEY_FontProperties_Family property.

   name = UI_PKEY_FontProperties_Family
   shellPKey = UI_PKEY_FontProperties_Family
   formatID = 00000301-7363-696e-8441798acf5aebb7
   propID = 301
      type = VT_LPWSTR


UI_PKEY_FontProperties_Family is used by an application to query the value of the Font family drop-down gallery.

The value of UI_PKEY_FontProperties_Family matches a Windows GDI Font Families name retrieved with the EnumFontFamilies function or EnumFontFamiliesEx function.

The default value is an empty string.

If an empty string is supplied for the value for UI_PKEY_FontProperties_Family, then the font selection is cleared.

Font Control Properties

Font Control