
Identifies the UI_PKEY_FontProperties_BackgroundColorType property.

   name = UI_PKEY_FontProperties_BackgroundColorType
   shellPKey = UI_PKEY_FontProperties_BackgroundColorType
   formatID = 00000311-7363-696e-8441798acf5aebb7
   propID = 311


UI_PKEY_FontProperties_BackgroundColorType is used by an application, in conjunction with UI_PKEY_FontProperties_BackgroundColor, to query Text highlight color gallery settings.

The property value is from the UI_SWATCHCOLORTYPE enumeration.

The default value is UI_SWATCHCOLORTYPE_RGB.

The following table describes the property values.

Property Description
UI_SWATCHCOLORTYPE_NOCOLOR Application should query the appropriate system metric for the color value typically the current Windows theme window background color that is retrieved with GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW).
UI_SWATCHCOLORTYPE_AUTOMATIC Not supported by the FontControl.
UI_SWATCHCOLORTYPE_RGB Application should query UI_PKEY_FontProperties_BackgroundColor for the color value. The color value of UI_PKEY_FontProperties_BackgroundColor is displayed on the Text highlight color button and selected in the Text highlight color gallery.

UI_PKEY_FontProperties_BackgroundColorType is passed to the IUICommandHandler::Execute callback method when a color swatch is selected in a FontControl Text highlight color gallery.


It is highly recommended that the application only set an initial Text highlight color value and not re-set this value when the cursor is repositioned within a document. The last selection should be maintained to avoid the need to re-select the desired color.

Font Control Properties


Font Control