
The RepositoryElementsChangeEvent event is sent by the scan repository any time an element or elements in the repository configuration changes.<17>

 <wsdl:operation name="RepositoryElementsChangeEvent">
    <wsdl:output message="dsc:RepositoryElementsChangeEventMsg" 

Upon detecting a change in the scan repository configuration, the server MUST send a RepositoryElementsChangeEventMsg message to all subscribed clients, as follows:

  • RepositoryElementsChangeEventMsg MUST have one dsc:ElementChanges child that contains either an dsc:RepositoryConfiguration element or vendor-defined elements.

  • The contents of the element(s) MUST be set as follows:

    • If the data change was detected in the scan repository configuration, an dsc:RepositoryConfiguration child element MUST be added.

    • If another data change was detected, vendor-defined child elements MAY be added.