4.3 DRS Protocol Extensions for SMTP Transport Frame

The following is the actual mail attachment from the sample SMTP message described in section 4.2 after base64 decoding.

 # offset:   value    comments
 # MAIL_REP_MSG_V2 header
 00000000: 0000 0000 CompressionVersionCaller (0)
 00000004: 0b00 0000 ProtocolVersionCaller (11)
 00000008: 4800 0000 cbDataOffset (72)
 0000000c: 540d 0000 cbDataSize (3412)
 00000010: 0000 0000 cbUncompressedDataSize (0)
 00000014: d801 0000 cbUnsignedDataSize (472)
 00000018: 0100 0020 dwMsgType (10000000000000000000000000000010) b0..31
 0000001c: 0700 0000 dwMsgVersion (7)
 00000020: 7ffb ff1f dwExtFlags
 00000024: 2800 0000 cbExtOffset (40)
 # begin DRS_EXTENSIONS extension vector
 00000028: 1c00 0000 
 0000002c: 7ffb ff1f 
 00000030: e865 14d9 
 00000034: 5cbd 5c44 
 00000038: b776 dbcd 
 0000003c: e1db 2aec
 00000040: b001 0000 
 # padding inserted according to section CNDJ6nn5us4RjIIAqgBLqQsCAAAACAAAAA4AAABfAFIAZQBmADEANAAwADUANAA3ADMAMgAzAAAA
 00000044: 0000 0000 
 # begin payload data
 # offset:   value                                 value as ASCII char
 00000048: 3082 0d50 0609 2a86                      0..P..*.
 00000050: 4886 f70d 0107 02a0 820d 4130 820d 3d02  H.........A0..=.
 00000060: 0101 310e 300c 0608 2a86 4886 f70d 0205  ..1.0...*.H.....
 # the payload data is the SMTP-Message-Data-Authenticated
 3.2.1 above.  It is elided here.
 00000d80: 1319 130e a38f be9c b97f b272 14f5 4f85  ...........r..O.
 00000d90: 7a89 f8f2 b482 ac4c 4306 3dc5            z......LC.=.
 # end payload data