EstablishSession Completes

Upon successful completion the client has established a replicated folder session with the server.

Actions Triggered: The client MUST transition the replicated folder from the Restart session state to the InSession session state. See section for a summary of the replicated folder session state machine.

Following the transition to the InSession replicated folder session state, the client MUST register a request for a version chain vector change notification by calling the RequestVersionVector method and then transition to the Requesting Version Vector replicated folder session state.

Sequencing: A client MUST NOT call the EstablishSession method until it has established an outbound connection with the server for a particular connection by successfully calling the EstablishConnection method. After a connection is established, a client SHOULD call the EstablishSession.

Error Handling: The following table summarizes the set of errors returned by the EstablishSession method that cause a client to behave in specific ways.

Error code

Client response



The client MUST perform the actions listed under the Actions Triggered heading.



The client MUST transition to the Disconnected connection state. The client SHOULD try to re-establish the connection by calling the EstablishConnection method after a time-out interval of its choice.



 The client MUST remain in the Polling connection state, but SHOULD not call the EstablishSession method again for this replicated folder.

0x000006A4 – 0x00000788

RPC errors

The client MUST transition to the Disconnected connection state. The client SHOULD try to re-establish the connection by calling the EstablishConnection method after a time-out interval of its choice.

All other non-zero error codes

The client MUST remain in the Polling connection state and SHOULD call the EstablishSession method again for this replicated folder, after a time-out interval of its choice.