ILocationEvents::OnLocationChanged method (locationapi.h)

[The Win32 Location API is available for use in the operating systems specified in the Requirements section. It may be altered or unavailable in subsequent versions. Instead, use the Windows.Devices.Geolocation API. ]

Called when a new location report is available.


HRESULT OnLocationChanged(
  [in] REFIID          reportType,
  [in] ILocationReport *pLocationReport


[in] reportType

REFIID that contains the interface ID of the report type contained in pLocationReport.

[in] pLocationReport

Pointer to the ILocationReport instance that contains the new location report.

Return value

If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


ILocationReport is the base interface of specific location report types. The actual interface that the caller receives for pLocationReport will match the type specified by reportType.

If the application calls OnLocationChanged as a result of its first use of location, the call might cause a notification to appear in the taskbar, and cause a Location Activity event to be logged in Event Viewer.

Note  An application does not receive the expected location change event from OnLocationChanged if both of the following conditions are true. First, the application runs as a service, in the context of the LOCALSERVICE, SYSTEM, or NETWORKSERVICE user account. Second, the location change event results from changing the default location, either manually when the user selects Default Location in Control Panel, or programmatically when an application calls IDefaultLocation::SetReport.


The following sample implementation of OnLocationChanged handles the location change event for a latitude/longitude report. This implementation prints the following information about a latitude/longitude location change event: the timestamp, the sensor ID, the latitude, the longitude, the error radius, the altitude, and the altitude error.

// This is called when there is a new location report
STDMETHODIMP CLocationEvents::OnLocationChanged(REFIID reportType, ILocationReport* pLocationReport)
    // If the report type is a Latitude/Longitude report (as opposed to IID_ICivicAddressReport or another type)
    if (IID_ILatLongReport == reportType)
        CComPtr<ILatLongReport> spLatLongReport;

        // Get the ILatLongReport interface from ILocationReport
        if ((SUCCEEDED(pLocationReport->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&spLatLongReport)))) && (NULL != spLatLongReport.p))
            // Print the Report Type GUID
            wchar_t szGUID[64];
            wprintf(L"\nReportType: %s", GUIDToString(IID_ILatLongReport, szGUID, ARRAYSIZE(szGUID)));

            // Print the Timestamp and the time since the last report
            SYSTEMTIME systemTime;
            if (SUCCEEDED(spLatLongReport->GetTimestamp(&systemTime)))
                // Compute the number of 100ns units that difference between the current report's time and the previous report's time.
                ULONGLONG currentTime = 0, diffTime = 0;
                if (TRUE == SystemTimeToFileTime(&systemTime, (FILETIME*)&currentTime))
                    diffTime = (currentTime > m_previousTime) ? (currentTime - m_previousTime) : 0;

                wprintf(L"\nTimestamp: YY:%d, MM:%d, DD:%d, HH:%d, MM:%d, SS:%d, MS:%d [%I64d]\n",
                    diffTime / 10000); // Display in milliseconds

                m_previousTime = currentTime; // Set the previous time to the current time for the next report.

            // Print the Sensor ID GUID
            GUID sensorID = {0};
            if (SUCCEEDED(spLatLongReport->GetSensorID(&sensorID)))
                wchar_t szGUID[64];
                wprintf(L"SensorID: %s\n", GUIDToString(sensorID, szGUID, ARRAYSIZE(szGUID)));

            DOUBLE latitude = 0, longitude = 0, altitude = 0, errorRadius = 0, altitudeError = 0;

            // Print the Latitude
            if (SUCCEEDED(spLatLongReport->GetLatitude(&latitude)))
                wprintf(L"Latitude: %f\n", latitude);

            // Print the Longitude
            if (SUCCEEDED(spLatLongReport->GetLongitude(&longitude)))
                wprintf(L"Longitude: %f\n", longitude);

            // Print the Altitude
            if (SUCCEEDED(spLatLongReport->GetAltitude(&altitude)))
                wprintf(L"Altitude: %f\n", altitude);
                // Altitude is optional and may not be available
                wprintf(L"Altitude: Not available.\n");

            // Print the Error Radius
            if (SUCCEEDED(spLatLongReport->GetErrorRadius(&errorRadius)))
                wprintf(L"Error Radius: %f\n", errorRadius);

            // Print the Altitude Error
            if (SUCCEEDED(spLatLongReport->GetAltitudeError(&altitudeError)))
                wprintf(L"Altitude Error: %f\n", altitudeError);
                // Altitude Error is optional and may not be available
                wprintf(L"Altitude Error: Not available.\n");

    return S_OK;


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 7 [desktop apps only],Windows 7
Minimum supported server None supported
Target Platform Windows
Header locationapi.h
DLL LocationAPI.dll