
This element specifies a modification to one identity attribute in the identity object targeted by the Put operation. A modification can take the form of adding, replacing, or removing values from the identity attribute.

 <xsd:element name="Change" >
             <xsd:extension base="AttributeTypeAndValueXmlType">
                 <xsd:attribute name="Operation" type="OperationXmlType" 
                                use="required" />

Operation: Specifies the type of modification to be performed against the identity attribute specified in the Change element. This can be either the addition of identity attribute values to the identity attribute, the replacement of the existing values of the identity attribute with new values, or the removal of values from the identity attribute. If the client specifies a value for this attribute that is not a permitted value for the OperationXmlType, the server SHOULD reject the request with a wsman:SchemaValidationError SOAP fault.

AttributeType: The contents of this element is an identity attribute type expressed in the dialect specified by the Dialect attribute of the ModifyRequest element. This specifies the identity attribute against which the modification is to be performed.

AttributeValue: The contents of this element is one or more identity attribute values to be added, replaced, or removed from the identity attribute. If the Operation attribute has a value of "add", an AttributeValue element (containing at least one identity attribute value) SHOULD be specified and the server SHOULD reject the request and return a wsman:SchemaValidationError SOAP fault if it is not specified. If the Operation attribute has a value of "delete" or "replace", the AttributeValue is optional. The effects of omitting it are described in section OperationXmlType.