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JSON Implementation for Image SourceType (Encarta)

This topic contains the following details of an Image SourceType query sent to the JSON interface:

  • Request Example

  • Response Example

Code Sample

For an example of JavaScript code that would send the request in this topic, see JSON Code Sample (Image SourceType).

Request Example

This section contains an example of an HTTP query string that the aforementioned code might generate. your AppId here&

Response Example

This section contains an example of a response that Bing might return when sent the query string in the previous section:

               "Title":"Microsoft Deutschland GmbH auf der CeBIT 2006.",
               "Title":"Microsoft Deutschland GmbH auf der CeBIT 2006.",
               "Title":"Microsoft Deutschland GmbH auf der CeBIT 2006.",
               "Title":"Microsoft Presseservice Pressemappen",
               "Title":"Inform Santa: Xbox Has Arrived: Xbox is the must-have gift for video ...",
               "Title":"Windows Vista: Connect your Xbox 360 to Windows Media Center",
               "Title":"Microsoft Roars Into E3 With Xbox Preview: Responding to an online ... ...",
               "Title":"Microsoft Deutschland GmbH auf der CeBIT 2006.",
               "Title":"Windows Vista: Se tv og film overalt",
               "Title":"Windows Vista: Connect your Xbox 360 to Windows Media Center",