ICLRRuntimeHost3::StartWithFlags Method

[This documentation is for preview only, and is subject to change in later releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

Starts the CLR with the given STARTUP_FLAGS enumeration value and host configuration file.

This method supersedes the ICLRRuntimeHost::Start method.

HRESULT StartWithFlags(
     [in]  STARTUP_FLAGS dwStartupFlags,
     [in]  LPCWSTR pwzHostConfigFile);


  • dwStartupFlags
    [in] A combination of STARTUP_FLAGS enumeration values.

  • pwzHostConfigFile
    [in] A configuration file path.

Return Value

This method returns the following specific HRESULT as well as HRESULT errors that indicate method failure.




The method completed successfully.


There is no ICLRRuntimeHost3::Start method, and any attempt to call that method will return E_NOTIMPL and fail.


Platforms: See .NET Framework System Requirements.

Header: MetaHost.idl

Library: Included as a resource in MSCorEE.dll

.NET Framework Versions: 4

See Also


ICLRRuntimeHost3 Interface

Other Resources

.NET Framework 4 Hosting Interfaces

Hosting Interfaces

Hosting Changes in the .NET Framework 4

Hosting (Unmanaged API Reference)