The WINSTACONFIGWIRE structure precedes a variable-length user configuration data BLOB and defines the size and offset of the user configuration data.

 typedef struct _WINSTACONFIGWIRE {
   WCHAR Comment[61];
   char OEMId[4];
   VARDATA_WIRE UserConfig;
   VARDATA_WIRE NewFields;

Comment: The WinStation descriptive comment.

OEMId: Value identifying the OEM implementor of the TermService Listener to which this session (WinStation) belongs. This can be any value defined by the implementer (OEM) of the listener.

UserConfig: VARDATA_WIRE structure defining the size and offset of the variable-length user configuration data succeeding it.

NewFields: VARDATA_WIRE structure defining the size and offset of the variable-length new data succeeding it. This field is not used and is a placeholder for any new data, if and when added.