Named Resource Stream Instance

Applies to the OData 3.0 protocol

A named resource stream instance is a named resource stream that is associated with the Edm.Stream property instance with the same name on a particular EntityType instance. Each named resource stream instance:

  • MUST have a Name that matches the Name of a named resource stream that is defined on either the EntityType or one of its BaseTypes.

  • MUST have a content type, as specified in [RFC2616].

  • Can have a self link, which is a URI from which the actual stream of bytes can be retrieved with a GET request.

  • Can have an edit link, which is a URI that can be used to replace the existing stream with a PUT request.

  • MUST have a self link or an edit link or both an edit link and a self link specified.

  • Can have an ETag. If present, the ETag MUST represent the concurrency token that is associated with the named resource stream instance ETag (section