
The Strsame function determines whether two text strings are the same.


 StrSame = val val [val] sp ("2" / "3") ";STRSAME():129"

Required Arguments:

Name: FirstText

Type: vString

An argument that specifies the first string to be compared.

Name: SecondText

Type: vString

An argument that specifies the second string to be compared.

Optional Arguments:

Name: IgnoreCase

Type: vBoolean

An argument that specifies whether the comparison is case insensitive. A value of TRUE indicates that case is ignored. The default value is FALSE.

Return Value:

Type: PtgBool

This function returns a PtgBool containing TRUE if the strings are the same and FALSE otherwise. The comparison is performed according to .NET globalization rules based on the LCID with a value of 1033, which maps to US English. For more information about .NET globalization rules, see [MSDN-ENCLOC].