2.1.38 Part 4 Section, spacing (Spacing Between Lines and Above/Below Paragraph)

WordPad supports this element. WordPad does not support the following attributes: beforeLines, beforeAutospacing, afterlines, and afterAutospacing. The standard states that values of the attributes after, before, and line are interpreted as twentieths of a point if the value of lineRule is "auto", and as 240ths of a line otherwise. When the document is loaded, WordPad always applies values of these attributes as twentieths of a point. The standard states that spacing between any two paragraphs is determined as the maximum of the inter-line spacing in each paragraph, the spacing after the first paragraph, and the spacing before the second paragraph. In WordPad, the spacing between any two paragraphs is the sum of the spacing after specified for the first paragraph and the spacing before specified for the second paragraph. When the document is saved, WordPad does not write the lineRule attribute. It writes the attributes after, before, and line with values specified in twentieths of a point.