
This represents the configuration options that apply to the virtual directory. Storing and retrieving the values for these properties is beyond the scope of this protocol.<17>

BITSDirectoryConfig contains the following state elements:

UploadEnabled: Boolean value. If true, enable BITS uploads within the virtual directory. If false, disable BITS uploads for the virtual directory.

MaximumUploadSize: A 64-bit integer that represents the maximum number of bytes in a single request entity.

NotificationType: An enumeration value that represents the way the request entity is sent to the server application.<18> NotificationType MUST contain one of the following values:

  • NONE: The request entity MUST NOT be sent to the server application. The server populates the request entity in the location provided through the destination URL. This value is not legal for upload-reply mode.

    § NOTIFICATION_BY_REFERENCE: The back-end client MUST pass the physical path of the request entity to the server application specified in the NotificationURL state element.

    § NOTIFICATION_BY_VALUE: The back-end client MUST pass request entity data in the body of the request to the server application specified in the NotificationURL property.

NotificationURL: (Optional) This specifies the URL of the server application to which the server sends the request entity. This MUST be present if NotificationType property is not NONE.<19>

BITSHostId: If nonempty, this specifies the value of the Bits-Host-Id (section header field to be returned in the reply to a CREATE-SESSION message.

BITSHostIdFallbackTimeout: If nonzero, this specifies the value of the Bits-HostId-Fallback-Timeout (section header field to be returned in the reply to a CREATE-SESSION message.

AllowOverwrites: A Boolean value that indicates whether a request entity can overwrite an existing entity with the same name.