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ISchedulerTask::EnvironmentVariables property

Retrieves the environment variables that were set for the task.

This property is read-only.


HRESULT get_EnvironmentVariables(
  [out] INameValueCollection **pEnvVariables

Property value

An INameValueCollection interface that contains the collection of variables. Each item in the collection is an INameValue interface that contains the variable name and value. To retrieve the list of INameValue interfaces, call the INameValueCollection::GetEnumerator method. The variant type of each item is VT_DISPATCH. Query the pdispVal member of the variant for the INameValue interface. The collection is empty if no variables have been set.

Error codes

If the method succeeds, the return value is S_OK. Otherwise, the return value is an error code. To get a description of the error, access the ErrorMessage task property.



HPC Pack 2008 R2 Client Utilities, HPC Pack 2008 Client Utilities

Type library


See also


