ConnectorHasDecorators Properties

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

The ConnectorHasDecorators type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Connector DomainRole Connector
Public property Decorator DomainRole Decorator Connector to which the decorator belongs. (Overrides DiagramElementHasDecorators.Decorator.)
Public property DiagramElement Gets the element playing Connector domain role. Decorators for the diagram element. (Overrides DiagramElementHasDecorators.DiagramElement.)
Public property Id Gets the ID of the element. (Inherited from ModelElement.)
Public property IsActive Gets the IsActive flag and verifies to see whether the element is active. (Inherited from ModelElement.)
Public property IsDeleted Gets the IsDeleted flag and checks to see whether the element has been deleted from the model. (Inherited from ModelElement.)
Public property IsDeleting Gets the IsDeleting flag and verifies whether the element is currently being deleted from the model. (Inherited from ModelElement.)
Public property IsMoveable Gets or sets the value of IsMoveable domain property. If true, the decorator can be moved by the user.
Public property LinkedElements Gets a read-only collection of elements connected by this element link. (Inherited from ElementLink.)
Public property OffsetFromLine Gets or sets the value of OffsetFromLine domain property. Offset in inches of the decorator from the line relative to its default position.
Public property OffsetFromShape Gets or sets the value of OffsetFromShape domain property. Offset in inches of the decorator from the shape relative to its default position.
Public property Partition Gets or sets the Partition that contains the element. (Inherited from ModelElement.)
Public property Position Gets or sets the value of Position domain property. Default position of the decorator.
Public property Store Gets the Store that contains the element. (Inherited from ModelElement.)


See Also


ConnectorHasDecorators Class

Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.DslDefinition Namespace