ChangeBatchBase.RemainingSessionWorkEstimate Property

Gets or sets the remaining work estimate for the synchronization session.

Namespace: Microsoft.Synchronization
Assembly: Microsoft.Synchronization (in microsoft.synchronization.dll)


Public Property RemainingSessionWorkEstimate As UInteger
Dim instance As ChangeBatchBase
Dim value As UInteger

value = instance.RemainingSessionWorkEstimate

instance.RemainingSessionWorkEstimate = value
public uint RemainingSessionWorkEstimate { get; set; }
property unsigned int RemainingSessionWorkEstimate {
    unsigned int get ();
    void set (unsigned int value);
/** @property */
public UInt32 get_RemainingSessionWorkEstimate ()

/** @property */
public void set_RemainingSessionWorkEstimate (UInt32 value)
public function get RemainingSessionWorkEstimate () : uint

public function set RemainingSessionWorkEstimate (value : uint)

Property Value

The remaining work estimate for the synchronization session.


BatchWorkEstimate and RemainingSessionWorkEstimate are used to report synchronization progress to an application. Both of these values are sent in the ProgressChanged event.

See Also


ChangeBatchBase Class
ChangeBatchBase Members
Microsoft.Synchronization Namespace


Reporting Synchronization Progress