Keyboard Shortcuts for SSDS Explorer

[This document supports a preliminary release of a software product that may be changed substantially prior to final commercial release. This document is provided for informational purposes only.]

Following keyboard shortcuts are available with SDS Explorer:

Shortcut Description


Go to parent scope.

Ctrl+mouse scroll

You can zoom the font size in the main XML content window or the HTTP request/response window by clicking on the window, holding the control key and scrolling the mouse wheel.


Creates an empty authority definition.


Creates an empty container definition.


Creates an empty entity definition.

Alt+i, Alt+o, Alt+t, Alt+m, Alt+s

The Alt+E shows skeleton entity definition template. These short-cut keys allow user to add user-defined properties of type binary, Boolean, datetime and decimal and string respectively.


GET method short cut. Retrieves an entity whose address is in the Address bar.


PUT method short cut. Updates the entity whose address is in the address bar with the current entity content.


Delete method short cut. Deletes the entity whose address is in the address bar.


Switch to the query box. Note that the query box holds the query and it is automatically appended to the address in the Address bar when executing the Query command.

Ctrl+Left mouse button click

When the editor windows shows an EntitySet, you can hold the control key and press left mouse button on any one of the entities in the set to make it the active entity. This is useful when you query a container that returns an EntitySet. You can then optionally decide to update one of the entities.

See Also


SDS Explorer
SQL Data Services (SDS) SDK