MessageText (put) (Opnum 25)

The MessageText (put) method sets the message text property of the action. The messageText string parameter value will be used as the message body of email generated by this action.

 [propput, id(FSRM_PROPERTY (FSRM_DISPID_ACTION_EMAIL | 0x07))] HRESULT MessageText(
   [in] BSTR messageText

messageText: Contains the message text to use for this action. The maximum length of this string MUST be 4,000 characters.

Return Values: The method MUST return zero on success, or a nonzero error code on failure.

Return value/code




The content of the messageText parameter exceeds the maximum length of 4,000 characters.



The messageText parameter is NULL.

The server MUST use messageText as the message text of email generated by this action or return a nonzero error code.

The messageText can contain macros (section If the messageText contains macros (section, the server MUST store messageText as provided, keeping the macros instead of resolving the macros with the values they resolve to. The server MUST allow all macros from section The macros are resolved when the email for this notification is generated.

The server MUST NOT alter the stored message text of the action when the macros are resolved. The message text with the resolved macro values is only used for the message body of the email being generated.