Report Jobs

For each report job, a minimal set of configuration properties and state data is maintained by the server. The configuration of a report job consists of all of the information required to define the report job, and the state consists of the properties that are tracked while the report job is running and the results of the successful or failed report job completion.

A Report Job is a type of FSRM Base Object (section that has all the properties and state of a FSRM Base Object. The following configuration data is maintained for each report job on the system:

Namespace roots: This property is a list of either full directory paths (referred to as static path in this definition) or values from the FolderUsage list (referred to as dynamic path in this definition). The set of file system namespaces (file system directory trees) that is scanned as part of the report job data gathering phase consists of either the full directory path (for a static path) or the FolderUsage Instance.Path values of each FolderUsage Instance in the FolderUsage Mapping whose FolderUsage Instance.Value list contains the <value> portion of a dynamic path.<23>

Report Job.Formats: This property describes the set of output formats to which the reports will be transformed as a result of a successful execution of the report job. Supported formats are DHTML, HTML, TXT, CSV, and XML.

Report Job.Mail to: This property is a Unicode string that will be used for the email TO addresses to which the storage reports will be sent as a result of a successful execution of the report job. In addition to the Report Job.Mail to property, the server uses the SMTP server name and Mail-from email address from the General Settings Model (section Other fields required to send the email, for example Subject, can be any appropriate value.

Task name: This property is a Unicode string containing the name of an associated scheduled task. Among all the Persisted Report Jobs (section in the List of Persisted Report Jobs, the Task name is unique, in a case-insensitive way.

Report Job.Reports: The report job configuration is associated with zero or more reports. See section for details. A protocol client can perform the following management operations involving reports:

  • Create a report to be generated with the report job. See section for details.

  • Enumerate a list of all the reports configured to be generated with the report job. See section for details.

  • Delete a report from the report job. See section for details.

The following state data is maintained for each report job on the system:

Running status: This property is a numeric value indicating the current running status of the report job. Possible status values are defined in the FsrmReportRunningStatus (section enumeration.

Last run time: This property maintains a time stamp that corresponds to the chronological date/time that the report job was last run.

Last error: This property maintains a Unicode string that corresponds to an error message generated when the report job was last run. If the last run of the report job was successful, the last error Unicode string is an empty string.

Last generated in directory: This property maintains the location where the individual reports were stored when the report job was last run.