2.1 Transport

The File Server Resource Manager (FSRM) Protocol uses the Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) Remote Protocol [MS-DCOM] as its transport. The DCOM Remote Protocol uses the following RPC protocol sequence: RPC over TCP [MS-RPCE].

The FSRM interfaces use the underlying DCOM security framework [MS-DCOM] and rely upon it for access control. DCOM differentiates between launch and access. An FSRM implementation can differentiate between launch and access permission and impose different authorization requirements on each interface.<7> To access an interface, an FSRM client requests a DCOM connection to its object UUID endpoint on the server, as described in section 1.9.

An FSRM implementation MAY configure its DCOM implementation or underlying RPC transport with authentication parameters to restrict client connections. The details of this behavior are implementation-specific.<8>

The RPC version number for all interfaces is 5.0.