Set IntelliSense options

Microsoft Expression Web provides you with a variety of different options that affect how IntelliSense functions while you work in the Code view of a web page, a script, or an external cascading style sheet (CSS). You can use these options to prevent IntelliSense from displaying shortcut menus and inserting tags, quotes, and braces, and to disable code hyperlinks.

The document type declaration in a page determines the options that appear in the IntelliSense shortcut menus in the Code view of a page. For more information, see Set document type information. In addition, the option you set for the CSS Schema in the Page Editor Options dialog box determines the level of CSS that appears in IntelliSense shortcut menus. For more information, see Set IntelliSense options for CSS.

To set IntelliSense options

  1. On the Tools menu, click Page Editor Options.

  2. In the Page Editor Options dialog box, on the IntelliSense tab, do the following:

    Use this

    To do this in Code view

    Auto Popup

    Enable shortcut menus for the statement completion items and ScreenTips to look up script parameters.

    Auto Insert

    Enable Expression Web to automatically insert the named item as you edit code.

    Code Hyperlinks

    Enable you to go to the named item by CTRL-clicking.

See also



IntelliSense for cascading style sheets

Cascading style sheets

Set IntelliSense options for CSS

Format code