Reverse path direction

All paths, whether open or closed, have a direction, from their start points to their end points. This attribute is made most obvious when you apply a brush stroke that has a distinct start and end. The path direction can also determine how a complex or compound object is filled, depending on the fill rules for the path.

To change the direction of a path

  1. In the Toolbox, click the Reverse Path tool Cc295168.cab9d2d1-4dc2-4178-9e27-226d81e2d33e(en-us,Expression.40).png.

  2. Click anywhere on the path.

You can also select a path, and then, on the Object menu, click Reverse Path or press CTRL+R.

If you reverse a compound path, Microsoft Expression Design reverses the direction of every subpath.

The same path and stroke, but the path on the right has been reversed


See also


Use fill rules

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