Files options

The Files pane of the Options dialog box lets you control various file management options in Microsoft Expression Design.

Native format save options

  • Autosave frequency   Microsoft Expression Design periodically saves open files to enable backup and recovery. This option lets you select how often autosaving is performed: Never, Seldom (about every 5 minutes), Normal (about every 30 seconds), or Frequent (about every 5 seconds).

Document thumbnails

  • Thumbnail size   By default, Expression Design saves your files with a large thumbnail image, which then appears in the Open dialog box when you select the file. Select the following options:

    • Small   For smaller thumbnails.

    • Off   For no thumbnails.

  • Thumbnail image range   Select one of the following:

    • Page frame   Saves only those paths on the artboard (or in the document frame).

    • ****Crop marks   ****Saves only those paths in your crop mark boundaries, (assuming you have set them).

    • Objectsbounding box****   Includes every object in your file, even those outside of the artboard.


When you open an Expression Design document built with an earlier version (such as one of the Community Technology Preview or "CTP" versions) and that file contains features no longer supported or supported differently in the current version, the program can notify you that some changes to the document can be made.

  • Create import summaries   Select this option to be notified about which features are being changed upon import.

  • Show importwarning dialog box****   Select this option to be notified when you open an older document.

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