Create Partition Wizard (Select Partition Function Page)

Use the Select Partition Function page to choose the partition function you want to partition your data on.

The choices you have for the partition function are determined primarily by the partitioning column you selected for your table in the previous page of the wizard. The partition function maps your data into partitions based on the boundary values of the partition function.

If you have selected a partitioning column with a datatype for which there are partition functions based on the partitioning column type, you can either create a new partition function or choose an existing function from the Existing partition function dropdown list.

If there are no available partition functions that you can re-use with the partitioning column, you will need to select New partition function and enter a name for a new partition function on this page.

  • New partition function
    Enter the name of the new partition function you want to create to map the rows of the selected table into partitions based on the partition column selected in the previous page of the wizard.

  • Existing partition function
    Select an existing partition function from the list of available partition functions. The function parameters match the datatype of the partitioning column you selected in the previous page of the wizard.

    If there are no existing partition functions for the selected partitioning column, you must create a new partition function.