RpcIsSessionDesktopLocked (Opnum 8)

The RpcIsSessionDesktopLocked method checks whether the specified session on the terminal server is in a locked state. This method MUST be called after RpcOpenSession. The caller MUST have WINSTATION_QUERY permission for the session. The method checks whether the caller has WINSTATION_QUERY permission (section 3.1.1) by setting it as the Access Request mask, and fails if the caller does not have the permission.

 HRESULT RpcIsSessionDesktopLocked(
   [in] SESSION_HANDLE hSession

hSession: The handle to the session returned by RpcOpenSession. This is of type SESSION_HANDLE.

Return Values: The method MUST return S_OK (0x00000000) if the session is locked; otherwise, it MUST return an implementation-specific negative value.

Return value/code




Successful completion.