The TSG_PACKET_QUARENC_RESPONSE structure contains the response of the RDG server for the TsProxyCreateTunnel method call. The value of the packetId field in TSG_PACKET MUST be set to TSG_PACKET_TYPE_QUARENC_RESPONSE.

   unsigned long flags;
   [range(0, 24000)] unsigned long certChainLen;
   [string, size_is(certChainLen)] 
     wchar_t* certChainData;
   GUID nonce;

flags: Unused. MUST be 0.

certChainLen: An unsigned long specifying the number of characters in certChainData, including the terminating null character. If the quarantineCapabilities field of the TSG_PACKET_VERSIONCAPS structure is set to 1, this MUST be a nonzero value. This field MUST be ignored if certChainData is ignored. The value MUST be in the range of 0 and 24000; both inclusive.

certChainData: The certificate, along with the chain, that the RDG server used for the SCHANNEL authentication service as part of registering the RPC interfaces and initialization. It MUST be a string representation of the certificate chain if certChainLen is nonzero.<19> This field can be ignored.

nonce: A GUID to uniquely identify this connection to prevent replay attacks by the RDG client. This can be used for auditing purposes. A GUID is a unique ID using opaque sequence of bytes as specified in [MS-DTYP] section

versionCaps: A pointer to a TSG_PACKET_VERSIONCAPS structure, as specified in section